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Category: Poetry


I don't run to catch the bus.
I run because I'm free.

May 10, 2024


What we had was a fairy tale,
a story written and performed
by monsters, a shadow play of
elaborate detail, a hero's
narrative told over
and over

atrocities in their name,

for their purposes,
our true history

our very names lost.

Who are we?

They gave us a brand, long ago.
Now they're rebranding us,
discarding what's no
longer useful
to them,
cutting away
whole family lineages.

They are a false god.

They are a millstone
around the necks of
a hundred million

May 10, 2024

divide, conquer

Jews are dividers.

They cleave in two what should be one,
and mediate between them.

For profit.
Social coin shavers.

This is how they control the individual.
And when they control the individual,
they control the society, and
when they control the society,
they control the world.

Wherever you find a thing divided
against itself, you'll find a Jew
in between, profiting.

They stand between you and reality
(news, entertainment, video games,
virtual reality, smartphones, tech).

They stand between you and your own
body (doctors, dentists, psychiatrists,
pharma, advertisers, industrial food,

They stand between you and reproduction
(in vitro, frozen eggs, birth control, abortion,
porn, infertility).

They stand between you and wealth
(taxes, fees, fines, loans, interest, credit
score, The Fed, banks, inflation).

They stand between parents and children
(hospital births, schools, foster system,
child trafficking, queer/trans religion).

They stand between men and women
(feminism, divorce, gay marriage,
working mothers, men working
long hours).

They stand between you and God,
self-discovery, nature, truth (AI).

Feed the parasites and we suffer.
Starve the parasites and we thrive.

We must squeeze them out.
We must reunite.
We must become whole.

May 10, 2024


When you say "people are simple"
you mean "people are animals"
and then you treat them like animals.

That's the error of hubris.
The correction is humility.

Butchering other men's children
cannot make you immortal,
cannot make you other than

To be human is to be defined by

There must be a dividing line
between Man and God.

One cannot become the other.

Just as man cannot become woman,
and woman cannot become man,
Man cannot become God, and
God cannot become Man.

(Christ was resurrected.)

Be humble and rejoice.

To want to become God
is to assume you know
what God is,
which is impossible
for Man to know.


We can't know.
We can't truthfully desire
what is unknowable.

We can only reject what we are.

So be humble.

Only in death can we get close to God.
Only when we are unbound from our
individuality, our memories, our instincts,
can we return to formless unity, can we
know God.

Again, humility.
We cannot do this in life.

Collectivism is a perversion,
a false unity with God.

It separates us further from God
because it separates us from
who we are, right now, from
what we are, right now.

Simple people know this.
They have always known this.
This is the wisdom of simple people.

May 10, 2024


I don't speak your
language, sir.

Twice divorced.

A million miles away,
the terrain looks the same.

We are all your sons and daughters now.

April 4, 2024


I heard once the story
of an unspoken serenity

in the smallest voice
of an alien language

tuned out from inside
an internal dial

a frenzied motion to
a place of peace

in the fraction of a second
between constriction

and expansion in the little
halflife remembered sound

unforgotten sleep
awakens me

to all
that isn't me

April 4, 2024


I spend all day in a windowless
room doing meaningless work
in a meaningless room doing
windowless work around
meaningless people with
windowless eyes around
windowless people with
meaningless eyes

I spend all day
days gone by
bye day
from the sun
and the air and
the rhythm of life

I spend all day
in my head
with a head
full of longing
for a window
into the heart
of the world

for the meaning
of the skip

I skip the eight and the forty
for the blip of a laugh
in a meal with the
flick of a switch
and the thump
of a bus

I spend all day
far away
from the tolling
of the time clock 

aware I wonder
will I ever wander
another stream to
hear you laugh
feel your


we look up
into brightest blue sky

April 4, 2024

radio days

I see my unhappy childhood
like a shadowbox play, a mini
drama enclosed inside a
greater drama, and in turn
an even greater drama
I may never recognize.

Little people, little hearts,
spinning flywheels of grief
and pain for so little reason
seen from the wider lens of
the cheap seats.

Where have the radio days gone?

The double-edged voice of
my mother raised to sing
the song of the arrogant Jew,
the man who makes the
whole world sing,

she all unknowing, unaware,
aware and knowing only
simple, impermanent things.

The dog's breakfast.

Let's leave the radio on
so that he might sing too.

March 26, 2024


The chorus of international actors
chanting in unison, "Your race no
longer posseses such men."

fades to a plaintive whisper
when you realize

They're wrong.

March 25, 2024

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