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Tag: meditation

let go, make space

Let go of what no longer serves you.

Let go of lingering things left too long undusted.

Let go of that habit you perform like an empty ritual, that frame of reference that belongs to a younger self, that idea whose time has come and gone, that assumption handed down to you by someone whose shadow you used to dwell beneath.

Who are you when you're alone?

Look up.

Look up from this artificial bath of illuminated signals, up into that celestial origin, that wellspring of creation beyond this translucent skin of mortal life, up into a billion years of chemical history handed down to you by the cataclysmic death of a giant star,
and listen.

Listen to the beat of the muscle filled with iron expelled by a supernova long before the earth beneath your feet was born.

Listen and let go.

Let go of what no longer serves you.

Let go of what time has shown you you no longer need.

Letting go is a practice.

So, practice.
Here, in this moment.

Listen, choose. Let go.

Let go of what no longer serves you.

Material objects. Habits. Beliefs.
Places. Emotions.

Ideas about yourself. About your future. About the world, about people. About someone who once shared your life and no longer does.

Let go of what you once hoped for, what time and maturity have shown you you no longer need.

Letting go is a practice, so practice.

Let go.

Take a deep breath.

Empty your thoughts.


Let go.

Open your heart.

Be humble. Be grateful.

Embrace joy.

Listen, choose. Let go.

Make space for what fulfills you.
Make space for what sustains you.

August 29, 2024

let go, make peace

life is pain, suffering, confusion, disappointment, impermanence. death.

it can’t be fixed, changed, redirected, repaired, improved, perfected.

life is unfair. it can’t be made fair, equitable, just.

to believe otherwise is an illusion.

we still have moments of choice. pivotal moments.

but they mean less than we think they do, less than we hope they do, less than we need them to.

you can forcibly change the narrative. you can fool people, fool yourself.

but you can’t fool human nature. it goes on without you. the rest of life on earth goes on without you. the universe goes on without you, continuing to expand long after you and your politics are gone.

make peace with it.

make peace with your life, your vulnerabilities, your illusions. with all the needs you can’t fulfill. with the happiness you can’t achieve, the failures you can’t explain, the successes that didn’t ease your despair.

let go.


be humble.

even if you don’t understand, right now, in this moment, be still.

take a deep breath.

to be alive, to be human, to be conscious, is to suffer. so rethink your assumptions about suffering. about pain, about confusion, disappointment, impermanence. death.

let go.

step down.

bow your head.

you can’t understand it all. you can’t control it all. you can’t make every right choice, or even know what every right choice is.

in the end, it doesn’t matter.

you will suffer. you will die.

i suffer. i will die.

everyone we know suffers, even if it’s alone, in silence. and someday they will die.

in light of all that, what really matters?

what matters to you?

May 15, 2022

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