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Month: August 2024


Hi tide in my heart and mind
for a word
yielding only to go on
without remorse
to feel the sun
on my skin
and together we will laugh
like dragonflies at
the emperor's new clothes.

August 2, 2024

discern, infer

You have an obligation to discern truth from falsehood.

You have an obligation to speak the truth.

Truth is interconnected (nature -> family), a web of threads that must (must?) form a shape.

A shape opposite and parallel to falsehood, to substitution.

You can follow the threads. You can feel the shape.

Is this the shape of God?

If so, can anyone discern this shape? Can we discern any other truth, any other shape?

(A poem has a shape too, a whole shape, self contained. A poem is a sigil. Is truth too a sigil?)

Can modern people recognize truth? Can they differentiate truth from falsehood? Do they believe truth exists?

Does the shape of truth determine the shape of falsehood? Opposition, equal force.

If so, by discerning falsehood we can infer truth.

August 2, 2024

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