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i live an improvisational life
in between
bouts of depression.
bravado shelters me
like a tarp in a hurricane.
no glass
just boards spray-
painted with pithy slogans.
fun fact: my father tried to
kill me when i was sixteen.
interested yet?
twenty years spent treading water
is no substitute for a life.
five ten
hot flashes and a bad temper
lines on my face sculpted by dysphoria
embraced too late by
forty years
too late by thirty-two hundred miles.
i write like i'm starving
hunched over a machine
bringing up gouts of words
like wound fever in reverse.
i never know if i'm doing it right
but a key with no lock
can still be a pretty thing.
i live an improvisational life
in between
one breath
and the next.

January 13, 2018

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