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there's a meme about grandmothers
are you happy?
are you fed?
are you loved?
i find it wonderful and
why would anyone care
if i am happy?
if i am fed?
if i am loved?
how much simpler
it would have been
if my father had
in cutting off my air
a little longer
holding on
a little longer
no one else would have had to
put up with me had to
be disappointed in me had to
hate me
i can't leave now
what's the use of surviving
if i'm only going to
go away again?
i am not happy
but i can find
on my own
in my own
i need a chance
to feed myself
an opportunity
and then they can all breathe
a sigh of relief
"thank god she's gone"
and talk about me behind my back
and lie to my face
"of course we love you"
and hate you and
humiliate you and
stand aside while
you are hated and
there's nothing pure
in human affection
it's crowded about
with insecurities
and despair
and unkept promises
i'll take
friends over lovers
lovers over family
cats over everyone
it makes me happy
to make them happy
it's what keeps me

January 28, 2018

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