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everything else

i live a simple life.
uncomplicated. unsophisticated.
unconventional. (a lot of uns
because it's easier to define
an it by what it's not) a
wispy web too bare to
beat a penny's weight.

i don't mind. (i get to talk now)

simple needs need only simple
satisfactions. like a cat: good
food and a bit of sun.

i don't (here i go again) need
so many whats and wheres as one
might expect. (an assumption
of course) i do need (i'm full
up with) love. silly word to
have so many definitions.
'i feel this' but 'i do that'
and do we agree to disagree?
(i never know)

i have so much. i carry with me
the trembling of white violets
electrified by flecks of mica
in a slab of sidewalk. (no wonder
my backpack is so heavy) i leave
behind everything else, everything
i can't afford, which turns out to
be everything else.

i'm overwhelmed.

i gaze over that sleeping face,
along those leafy streets, up into
that distorting sleeve of atmosphere
and remember how small i am, how
short my life, how fleeting the little
waves that shape the shore of memory.

i don't mind.

i get to talk now.

May 12, 2021

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