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the first of april

how fast does a sparrow's heart
beat that frantic drum in its tiniest
breast pocket of life that springing
leaping spark chirruping competing
with the roar of diesel brakes and
afternoon traffic in a hungry
frenzy to claim some self-
enclosed space driven
by ancestral flight
feathers to hold
on hold still
remain in
danger a
a morsel
for some other
ancestrally driven
pocket of protein dragged
toward the same destination
as the white-knuckled primate at
the helm of the machine one
after another green yellow
red endless march along
a wandering path of
despair and con-
fusion and
and mythology
beneath the frantic
sparrow's heart bursting
with a song he sings in the
name of relief in the name of
one brief moment unbowed by
the crushing weight of natural
selection before the alarm
triggers monday morning
for a dime a dollar a
song a poem
for the
of resources for
power for a cardboard
cutout opportunity for a
moist pair of eyes transfixed
by a dancing mobile spinning
spinning overhead tracing
contrast by contrast a
sizzling flood of neural
pathways lighting up
with animal urges
disguised as
imperatives in
the hearts of
bipedal apes at a bus
stop for one brief moment
beating in time to bird-
song on the first
of april.

April 3, 2022

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Except where otherwise noted, the content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons CC0 Universal Public Domain Dedication License.
Air is free, sound is free, words are free. To believe otherwise is to be enslaved.