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glad to be

One of the last
beautiful days.

Blue sky still
in the morning.

Lone cricket playing
his lonely tune.

That neglected
atmosphere of

Ragged end of

Fall coloring slender
trees whispering in
an ocean of concrete.

A single piercing of Venus
across that vast unrolling
cloudless day break
reflected as a seamless
horizon in the panes of
a faded store front.

Rattle of plastic and
metal leaves undisturbed
the cool reach of a breeze
along outstretched fingers.

A transformation in
undertones. Indistinct.

Only by illusion made one
or the other.

Only brief as we must see
all things as brief.

A fool's fortune made
by civil twilight.

All alone here and
glad to be.

September 19, 2023

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