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produce lady

laugh if you want to
call me produce lady
call me man
call me virgin
call me Ripley
call me lesbo
go ahead
feel good
feel superior
laugh that self-satisfied laugh
at my expense
cause i can afford it now
cause your words don't matter anymore
to me
cause i don't got to compromise anymore
cause i don't got to sacrifice myself anymore
when i walk out that door at 6am
when i talk to myself to keep myself on track
when i have a bad day
when i got to recite my recitation on the bus
to keep myself to myself
i can still walk with my head held high
burdened only by my warm coat
and my lunch bag and my groceries
and not anymore by self-hate
and shame
i'm not ashamed of who i am
i'm not ashamed of how i live
i don't need anything from you
you stranger
you unknown
don't speak to me
don't look at me
don't stand near me
i don't owe you anything
i don't need your permission
your understanding
your good graces
your charity
your blessing
and you don't need
my fake smile
my fake laugh
my retail face
cause that's all i got for you
cause i don't need to forgive
cause i can't forget
it's somewhere in my bones
down below the shower drain
and the sticky carpet fibers
and the warm plastic linoleum
i couldn't find it if i wanted to
and i don't
i just want to keep on walking until
i can't walk anymore and when i can't
somewhere inside i know the deal
i know her name
i'll take it with me
i've got five minutes
here i am
this is all i'll ever be
this is more than i've ever been
i got what i need
i fade
it's leaf fall
it's rain you feel
you can't hear it's winter
silence it's time o'clock it's all alone

good morning

October 8, 2021

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